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Bioptik Technology

Bioptik Technology (Тайвань) - молодая компания, разрабатывающая анализаторы крови для самоконтроля.

About Bioptik
Bioptik was found in 1999 and currently has its head quarter in Jhunan township, Miaoli County. It comprises 3 R&D departments and 3 productionunits—Jhunan plants specialize in medical device and reagent. Hsinchu plant focus on developing skin care products and Tainan plant aims toengage in developing bioenergy ,Astaxanthin and Cellulose Bioethanol.
Bioptik professional biotechnology R&D team has developed and successful expand the sales of EasyMate Blood Glucose Monitoring System &Blood Glucose/ Cholesterol / Uric Acid Monitoring System and its strips as well as Hyaluronic Acid skin care products all over the world.
The principal of Bioptik is”the highest quality and customer satisfaction” To actualize the goal, bioptik research team insists all the development andproduction processes shall be completed within the company and this is our promise to offer the best quality. 
Bioptik R&D team includes not limit in researching, development, production and biotechnology, but also seeking for the opportunity to establishcooperation with international enterprises that own worldwide distribution channels for the medical device across the global.
Bioptik is committed to lead Taiwan’s biotechnology industry into a new generation.

Тест-полоски ИзиТач на гемоглобин №25 (EasyTouch Hemoglobin)
Тест-полоски EasyTouch Hemoglobin  (Изи Тач Гемоглобин) от компании Биоптик (Bioptik) используются в глюкометраx  EasyTouch: EasyTouch GCHb (ИзиТач глюкоза, холестерин, гемоглобин).   ..
2 400 руб.
Отзывов: 0
-19% Тест-полоски ИзиТач на глюкозу №50 (EasyTouch Glucose)
Тест-полоски EasyTouch Glucose  (Изи Тач Глюкоза) от компании Биоптик (Bioptik) используются в глюкометраx  EasyTouch: EasyTouch GC (ИзиТач глюкоза, холестерин) EasyTouch GCHb (ИзиТач глюкоза, холестерин, гемоглобин) EasyTouch GCU (ИзиТач глюкоза, холестерин, мочевая кис..
1 300 руб. 1 050 руб.
Отзывов: 0

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